
A professional engineer by training, Sharon is currently a quality, environment and sustainability manager in a large, global engineering consultancy firm. Therefore, writing a novel may seem an unlikely fit. However, Sharon’s upbringing involved moving to Belgium when she was 12 and completing all of her secondary schooling in Flemish, with French and German also taken as subjects. This is where her enjoyment of languages was born.

Upon finishing school, she returned to NZ, obtained her engineering degree, met her engineer husband, got married, and commenced working. Their careers took them back and forth between NZ and Bangkok over a fifteen year period, during which time they added two beautiful children to their family (one born in each country). In addition to learning Thai, Sharon also realised she had a story inside her which she then proceeded to write over the next ten years, squeezing writing in between raising a family and working full time.Sharon_cropped

Photo credit: Anne Paar